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About MovieBox-Asian Drama,HD Movies
Discover FREE Asian Dramas (Korean, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Japanese, etc), Hollywood Blockbusters, Animes, TV Shows and Music on MovieBox-Movies, TV Shows & Music. Watch free entertainment but with lots of ads.
You can search for complementary sources for movies, TV, and music. Watch trailers and find online gratis movie sources. People also can rate and review shows you’ve seen and track what they want to watch using their Watchlist.
MovieBox-Asian Drama,HD Movies
The MovieBox app also lets you access educational, curriculum, and entertainment content for kids and teenagers. Use our powerful Search Engine to find your movie cravings, simply type in the title or browse through genres, and voila! You have what you want.
MovieBox prioritizes your entertainment by customizing and organizing a watchlist for you based on your past watch history and movie trends. You can Watch Movies and shows offline with less data by simply downloading your favorite movies or episodes beforehand to enjoy uninterrupted entertainment.
You also get Filters and search tools to find the perfect drama or film based on your preferences. Get In-depth information on the cast and crew of your favorite shows.
And just like Netflix get Updates on what’s trending and what’s coming up next in the world of Asian entertainment.
Whether you’re a fan of K-dramas, C-dramas, J-dramas, T-dramas, HK dramas, Thai dramas, or Philippine dramas, MyDramaList has something for you. Download our app today to start exploring the exciting world of Asian drama and film!
Technical file information
Package name: | |
Version: | (2054) |
File size: | 25.7 MB |
Updated: | |
Minimum Android version: | Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API 21) |
Screen DPI: | nodpi |
Architecture: | armeabi-v7a,arm64-v8a |
MD5: | 235ca379820e3746140c749b8ff61701 |
SHA1: | e824307c3457254eda55faa95280a1cb481010fa |
Older Versions of MovieBox:
Other versions of this app are not available!What's new in this version of MovieBox?
- Enable to Save to External files.
- Convenient Feedback Channel is available
- Removed "No network" tips
- More language options: Portuguese, Arabic
- Fixed some bugs
- And more changes having been made to improve your overall experience.
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