Tasker APK


by joaomgcd
4.3/5 (3 ratings)

Automate your android from settings to SMS.

Download Latest APK v6.1.27

About Tasker

Tasker lets you automate settings, actions, and other aspects of your smartphone without needing to root it. It is a very good phone automation app but many people have complained of it being too complicated. It is very useful for people who are using old smartphones without the latest Android updates.

Tasker performs tasks (sets of actions) based on contexts (application, time, date, location, event, gesture) in user-defined profiles or in clickable or timer home screen widgets. Tasker is among the most powerful Android apps out there. This Android tool can help users automate daily tasks or create complex actions.

Tasker UI

Tasker has support for Android’s dynamic app icons, custom toasts, action and error notifications. Regular users of the app can rejoice as their usage will only improve once they upgrade to the latest version of Android.

Total Automation, From Settings to SMS. Features: Triggers: App, Time, Day, Location, Hard/Soft State, Event, Shortcut, Widget, Timer, Plugins, Actions: 200+ built-in, plugin support, Tasks: loops, variables, conditions, etc. App Creation: create your own standalone apps to share or sell!

Tasker is among the first apps to take advantage of the Material You UI. This means if you are running the developer preview of the OS on your Pixel, the Tasker icon will now blend in with other supported shortcuts on your home screen.

Custom toast messages that can be themed as per your liking. You can even make them use the same Material You color as the system UI. Toast messages can also be made clickable. This way they only disappear when you tap on them. Alternatively, you can configure the tap on it to trigger a specific task or action.

Turn on Silent mode by placing side screen down

You can quickly turn your phone to silent by placing the screen side down without the need toggle the menu and then turning on silent mode.

  1. Open Tasker, go to the Profiles tab, and click the Plus symbol to add a new profile.
  2. Select State, tap on Sensor, and then choose Orientation.
  3. Under Orientation, tap Face Down. Then click on the < icon at the upper-left of the screen to go back to the Profiles tab.

Next, you need to set up the task that will happen when your phone is placed face down.

  1. Under New Task, tap on the Plus symbol and give it a name.
  2. In Task Edit mode, click the Plus symbol to enter the Audio action category.
  3. Choose Vibrate as the Audio Action, and Vibrate for the Mode.
  4. Tap the < symbol to return to the Profile tab.

Check that your new Face Down profile is turned on. Now your phone will go into silent (vibrate only) mode whenever you place it face down on any surface.

Reduce Screen Brightness at Night

You can program the Tasker app to automatically reduce the screen brightness when its night time and you don’t get screen glare while using your smartphone. Here’s how you set up screen brightness automation. First, create the profile for your “night mode:”

Start Tasker, go to the Profiles tab and hit the Plus symbol to add a new profile. Then select Time and set a time-frame when you’d like to automatically reduce screen brightness.

Next, set up the task to reduce screen brightness late at night:

  1. Under New Task, tap on the Plus symbol and name the task.
  2. In Task Edit mode, select the Plus symbol, choose Display, and then tap Display Brightness.
  3. Set the brightness level (0 is the lowest setting).

After setting the profile with the timer Tasker will automatically reduce your screen brightness during the time period you’ve set.

Other Actions By Category

* ALERT: Flash, Notify LED/Sound/Vibrate, Cancel Notification, Popup Timed/WithTaskIcons/Names, Torch, Vibrate, Vibrate Pattern
* APP: Calendar Insert, Go Home, Kill App, Load App, Open Map (/StreetView/Nav)
* AUDIO: Alarm/Call/DTMF/Media/Notif./Ringer/System Volume, Haptic Feedback Toggle, Mic Mute, Notification Pulse, Notification(<4.1)/Ringer Vibrate (<4.2 or root), Silent Mode, Speakerphone, Sound Effects toggle
* DIALOG: 28 System Settings dialogs
* DISPLAY: Auto-Brightness, Close System Dialogs, Keyguard, Keyguard Pattern, Display Brightness, Display Off Timeout, Display Rotation, Set Wallpaper, Stay On, Status Bar (expand/collapse), System Lock
* FILE: Browse Files, Directory Create/Delete/Move, File Copy/Delete/Move/Open, Write To File, Read Line, Read Paragraph, Zip/Unzip File
* INPUT: Button, Dpad (root only), Type (root only), Input Method Select, Soft Keyboard (show)
* MEDIA: Media Button Events (grab), Media Player Control, Music File/Dir, Play/Forward/Back/Stop, Photo/Series/TimeSeries, Record Audio, Record Audio Stop, Ringtone, Scan Card
* MISC: (Broadcast) Action Intent, Component Intent, Get Location, GPS Status (<2.3 or Cyanogen/submodel), Run (ASE) Script, Say, Say To File, Shut Up, Search For, Set Clipboard, Reboot (root only), Set CPU (root only) Set Timezone
* NETWORK: Airplane Mode (<4.1 or root), Autosync, BT, BT ID, Compose Email, Browse URL, HTTP GET, HTTP POST, Mobile Data (on/off), Mobile Data 2G/3G (Cyanogen only), USB Tether, WiFi Toggle, Wifi Disconnect/Reassociate/Reconnect, Wifi Sleep, Wifi Tether, Wimax Toggle
* PHONE: Call, Call Log, Call Block/Divert/Revert, Compose MMS/SMS, Contacts, End Call, Radio, Send SMS, Send Data SMS, Silence Ringer, Take Call
* TASKER: Change Icon Set, If, End If, Goto Action, Perform Task, Profile Toggle, Query Action, Set Widget Icon, Set Widget Label, Stop, Wait, Wait Until
* VARIABLES: Set, Clear, Inc, Dec, Query, Randomize, Split, Join, List
* 3RD PARTY: Android Notifier, Astrid, BeyondPod, JuiceDefender Data/Toggle, Gentle Alarm, NewsRob, OfficeTalk, SleepBot, SMS Backup+, TeslaLED, WidgetLocker


Alarm Clock/Done, Date Set, Time/Date Set, Timezone Set, Display: Off/On/Unlocked, File Closed/Deleted/Modified/Moved/Opened/Attributes Changed, Camera/Search Button Long-Press, Card Mounted/Removed/Unmounted, Gesture, Missed Call, Phone Changes, Received Text, SMS Send Success/Failure, Battery Changed/Full/Low/Overheating, Device Boot, Device Shutdown, Storage Low, Locale Changed, New/Removed/Updated Package, Wallpaper Changed, Button Gadget Clicked, New Window, Notification, Notification Clicked, Zoom Click, Variable Cleared/Set, K9 Email Received, Gentle Alarm, Kaloer Clock, OpenWatch, Reddit Notify, Screebl, Widget Locker

Category: Tools
Operating System: Android
Price: Free

Technical file information

Package name: net.dinglisch.android.taskerm
Version: 6.1.27 (5351)
File size: 15.4 MB
Minimum Android version: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API 21)
Screen DPI: nodpi
Architecture: universal
MD5: 1dcd0b2a4c53b41025b8a01fc4d79f9c
SHA1: cf95f53a2d7e7513b675724da0b953af4532b0a9

Older Versions of Tasker:

What's new in this version of Tasker?
  • New App Icons
  • Keep Accessibility Services alive option and toggle them with a Tasker action
  • Quick Setting Tile: custom icons, labels, subtitles, long and double click actions
  • Use any icon in Notifications
  • Flashlight brightness control
  • Progress Dialog
  • Convert Into Task option
  • Pick Photos action (Android 13+)
  • Device Control (Power Menu Action) On Locked Device
  • Device Unlock Failed event


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