Getjar APK

Getjar APK

4.5/5 (2 ratings)

access thousands of free and premium applications/games with GetJar.

Download Latest APK v4.6

About Getjar

Getjar is an external independent app store that supports a wide range of different platforms, including Android, Java, Symbian, Blackberry, iOS, Samsung, HTC, Huawei, and Nexus.

For easier navigation, all apps for Android and Symbian (Java) operating systems are placed into these categories: Games, Social and Messaging apps, Music apps, Entertainment and video apps, Tools apps, and many others.

GetJar also allows software developers to upload their applications for free through a developer portal.

Getjar APK App Store

This app store also includes a section called Get Gold. From there you’ll be able to download and try out for free a series of applications.

That will reward you with virtual money. If you try out sponsored apps, you’ll earn even more virtual money. With that gold, you can get hold of paid applications and discounts.

GetJar unveiled the program, which allows customers who visit the Gold site to download pay apps for free.

Developers bring their apps to GetJar because of the increased exposure and are compensated by GetJar on a per-download basis.

Gold members can access a library of nearly 50 premium apps. Which normally range between 99 cents and $10, for free.

Membership in the program is free. Apps include the game Krazy Kart Racing, which sells for $3.43 elsewhere, and SwiftKey X, which costs $4.06.

While you are here also check out the AndroidAPKs app store for more apps that are not available on the PlayStore.

Category: Shopping
Operating System: Android
Price: Free

Technical file information

Package name: com.getjar.rewards
Version: 4.6 (55)
File size: 1.7 MB
Minimum Android version: Android 2.2 (Froyo, API 8)
MD5: 15d0c75c3737d76e9771f9b73c87459b
SHA1: 89d5e70b8384b0521a31b1cdf0ab67d498ff8ac9

Older Versions of Getjar:

Other versions of this app are not available!


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